Words can Kill

Do you remember that old children’s saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me”?  We all thought we were so clever to say it to another child calling us names on the playground. But in reality, words can be devastating and the truth is, “Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But Words Can Kill Me”! Read on to experience what I mean.

Have you ever noticed how great you feel when someone pays you a compliment?  Especially the unsolicited one, the unsuspecting one, the one that takes you totally by surprise and causes you to beam!  Bask in that compliment for just a moment. Close your eyes and engage all the rest of your senses as you recapture that day when someone made you feel overwhelming joy because of a compliment.  Isn’t that a wonderful feeling? Notice your heartbeat, breathing and overall feelings in your body. For the full effect, you should do this for about 30 seconds to a minute.

Now, think of a time when someone blindsided you with a negative comment or statement.  Perhaps it was today, yesterday or thirty years ago. It might have been your parent, spouse, child or best friend.  Think about that comment. Close your eyes and engage all your senses as you replay the scene. What were you wearing?  What time of year is it? Hear the words said to you and the voice in which they were said. How do you feel now? Is your body temperature changing?  Do you have a pit in your stomach?  

Go back to the positive comment you remembered from your memory banks earlier and close your eyes again and reflect on all the senses being engaged around that beautiful happy moment, engage all the senses again. Now doesn’t that feel better? And did you notice how your body changed with the thought of it! Whew! I’m glad I asked you to do that so you could be in a positive state of being. If you didn’t notice much change between these two memories than you just need to practice more and become more aware of your body.  I teach others to learn more about this through my Awaken blog and ask them to read the fourth paragraph to get in tune with the kind of changes a body can make including immediate sounds and gurgles. 

This is the power of your words and (thoughts). I learned about changing my words as a youngster from my mom.  She was very helpful in encouraging me and teaching me how to focus on speaking positive words. You may not be a reader of the Bible and that is your choice, but I found a scripture or two in both the old and new testaments to back up the importance of our words.  Well actually there are many, but I will share just these two.

Psalm 19:14 – May my spoken words and my unspoken thoughts be pleasing in Your sight.

Matthew 5:22 …Carelessly call a brother ‘idiot!’ and you just might find yourself hauled into court. Thoughtlessly yell ‘stupid!’ at a sister and you are on the brink of hellfire. The simple moral fact is that words kill.

The first one is so specific that it even indicates how you don’t even have to speak them, but even thinking them can bring about a negative outcome.  Didn’t we just prove that in the exercise above? Did you notice a change in your body when reflecting on the two active memories? Maybe you need one more opportunity to drive this point home.  Have you ever walked into a room, didn’t need to hear a word that was spoken BUT, you could feel the tension? Of course, you have. So what is my point? How did you feel something that wasn’t “done” to you?  These are what one might call frequencies. All emotions have them. Some make you feel great; like happiness. And some make you feel awful; like grief or anger. And these frequencies lead to balance (harmony) or imbalance (disharmony) in our bodies.  And this leads to dis-ease. So the next time you are not feeling your best, look at your words and thoughts for the answer and analyze them or keep a diary of the words you speak to others, hear from others or more importantly; speak to yourself.  

There are a number of opportunities to help you remove the negative impact of words spoken over you. The most important thing is to watch your own self-talk and treat others as you want to be treated.  But, I get it, sometimes you have a creep in your life; someone that has a really bad self-image and they don’t feel better unless they cut you down. If you are in a position to, I recommend that you remove them from your presence. You might also find that our emotional questionnaire is a helpful tool which allows you to determine what kind of supplement support can assist you with these feelings. They require Bach Flower Essences and you can purchase these from our office and we can dropship them to you as needed.  

For more severe feelings around a negative event we recommend three options we use in our practice and you can learn about these in the following two video links: BodyTalk – Healthcare Designed by the Body, Emotional Regulation using TiPi or read about our third option using essential oils called Aroma Freedom Technique.

For more information on how active memories or negative feelings can impact your health, I encourage you to book a free consultation to discuss any of the methods we engage above or call us at 972-712-0892.  We also invite you to attend our free webinars held monthly.  Registration is required for each one you choose to attend.