Are you chronically nauseous? How about constipated? Or constipated with diarrhea? Or do you constantly have the uurps and burps-where fatty foods repeat on you and even get back into your throat? Are you chronically bloated with gas and pressure? Or have you even had one or more “gallbladder attacks?”

These are all symptoms of gallbladder problems-including a sluggish gallbladder and a congested liver. But take heart. The miracle treatment of the month is betaine. Betaine is one of the factors in the B vitamin complex. And the richest source is found in growing beet leaves and their juice. Betaine is known as a lipotrophic agent-it aids in fat digestion and metabolism.

Standard Process makes a product called A-F Betafood. It contains vitamins A and F complexes combined with Betafood, which contains betaine from beet leaf juice. The vitamins A and F thin the bile, while Betafood flushes the bile route-getting it moving again. Without adequate nutrition like this, your bile becomes thick like cream. Thick, congested bile does not flow smoothly, and eventually clogs, forming gravel of even gallstones. When this happens, you are in trouble with all the symptoms listed-including an eventual, inevitable gallbladder attack.

When you have chronic gallbladder problems such as these, you are also sure to be toxic. Aside from helping you break down fats for digestion, smoothly flowing bile is a major detoxifier. Toxins are picked up and carried in your blood to your liver. Your liver is like your car’s filter. The liver removes the toxins from the blood and dumps them into the bile. The bile then carries them to the intestines for elimination.

So if you have these problems, be sure to take 2-4 A-F Betafood capsules with water at mealtime. This protocol will help you thin bile that has become thick and less viscous. It will also help you flush the bile route from the liver through the gallbladder. Once this is accomplished, your symptoms will begin to disappear. And better yet, you most likely will be able to save yourself from a gallbladder attack, or worse-removal of your gallbladder.

And take special note-millions of Americans suffer from celiac disease and do not know it. Celiac disease is an intolerance to the protein gluten found in wheat, rye, barley and oats. Some of the symptoms of celiac disease mimic those of gallbladder problems. So make sure to eliminate gluten from your diet for at least 30 days to determine if you suffer from hidden celiac disease. If gluten is your problem, you will be better within days of eliminating it from your diet. Untold thousands of people who had undiagnosed celiac disease have had their gallbladder removed-only to find out that their symptoms continued after surgery!

Avoid Symptom Treatment

If you have already had your gallbladder removed, remember that surgery simply corrects the symptom and does nothing about the cause. Your sluggish and congested bile will remain a problem, even after gallbladder surgery. After gallbladder removal, you still need to use the A-F Betafood protocol to improve your bile flow and fat digestion and metabolism, as well as to insure proper detoxification and removal of toxins from your body.

And once you start to clean up your liver/gallbladder/bile pathways, you can use a once-or twice-a-year gallbladder cleanse to make your protocol even more powerful. A gallbladder cleanse involves mixing 2 cups of shredded, raw, preferably organic, ripe beets with the juice of a lemon and 2 tablespoons of extra-virgin, first-pressed olive oil. Eat this mixture between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner daily for 10 days.

It is best to do everything you can to avoid having your gallbladder removed. Too many older adults have had this procedure start a downward medical spiral that often leads to debilitation and even death. Remember that simply having a cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) only treats the symptoms. And the only medical treatments for gallbladder problems consist of a low-fat diet, drugs to mask symptoms, or surgery. It is all ineffective, sometimes dangerous, and expensive (gallbladder and knee surgeries keep most hospitals financially afloat).

Uurps, burps, gas, bloating, nausea, pain, constipation, diarrhea, and gallbladder attacks? Use A-F Betafood and a gallbladder flush to thin the bile and flush your liver and gallbladder-and put an end to being sick and in pain. Treating the cause-and all without side effects of any kind. Now that’s a protocol, and the miracle, secret treatment of the month. To order A-F Betafood or any of the products mentioned in this article, contact us.