The Clock Begins: Lung Time 3 AM – 5 AM

In my prior article titled, Is Your Hose Kinked?” I referenced the 24-hour body clock. If you missed this article click on the link provided. You really do have an internal clock that carries out specific tasks within the body at the same time every day. Almost like your body’s “in-box” of daily routines. And, like your day at the office, your body may have an emergency or two that gets thrown in your day. Something you didn’t plan. This could look like a food you are allergic to such as wheat. Your body still needs to work on its regularly scheduled daily task but eating the wrong foods or food you have an intolerance to may cause your body to have to go deal with that “emergency” instead of completing the scheduled task. This is how blockages, build-ups and stagnation can cause an organ’s meridian pathway to be clogged. This can lead to a host of issues.

This month we will start with an exercise for the lungs. The lungs start your body’s internal clock activities each day from 3 AM to 5 AM.  The lungs have a number of key functions, but there may be some you are not familiar with such as:

  • help to circulate the blood
  • distribute fluids and blood to
  • nourish the skin, generate grief
  • help you release the past
  • give you the ability to speak with a clear voice.

Now, these may not sound like functions you have heard of before and that is because they do not come from western medicine philosophy. We are looking at them from an energy perspective.

If you are someone that wakes up at night during 3 a.m. to 5 a.m., your lungs may be telling you something. Some of the signs of lung patterns that may reflect irregularities in lung energy or stress are:

shortness of breath, sweat easily, tiredness, cough, tickle in the throat, weak voice, dry mouth, dry skin, aversion to cold, someone who worries, is anxious, overworks to keep busy or can’t lie down, asthma, someone that has excessive consumption for greasy or spicy foods.

As mentioned previously, there are a number of ways to address an imbalance in the lungs one of which is an exercise called Qi Gong, similar to exercises like Yoga or Tai Chi. Click on the link for an exercise unique to the lungs. It may take a few days or even a couple of weeks before you notice a change, but give it a try and see if you start sleeping through lung time or are at least able to fall back asleep if you do wake up briefly. Click here for the Lung Exercise.

So maybe you are thinking, “I wake up multiple times during the night, what am I supposed to do if it is not during 3 am – 5 am?” Don’t worry. We are going to do a series on this so rest assured we are going to cover the other organs in the body. However, if you are waking up multiple times a night, you will benefit tremendously from my prior video release called the Tahiti Vacation Relaxation Technique.

Another way to address energy imbalances is through BodyTalk, a modality I use in my practice. A BodyTalk session can be done in person or remotely (over the phone or live video conference such as Zoom). Learn more about BodyTalk and schedule a session.


The Clock Continues Series:

Is Your Hose Kinked? Introduction to series: Lung Time 3 AM to 5 AM

The Clock Continues: Large Intestine Time 5 AM – 7 AM

The Clock Continues: Stomach Time: 7 AM – 9 AM

The Clock Continues: Spleen/Pancreas Time: 9 AM – 11 AM

The Clock Continues: Heart Time 11 AM – 1 PM

The Clock Continues: Small Intestine Time 1 PM – 3 PM

The Clock Continues: Bladder Time 3 PM – 5 PM

The Clock Continues: Kidney Time 5 PM – 7 PM

The Clock Continues: Pericardium 7 PM – 9 PM

The Clock Continues: Triple Heater 9 PM – 11 PM

The Clock Continues: Gallbladder 11 PM – 1 AM

The Clock Ends…Finally: Liver 1 AM – 3 AM